"Effective Ways to Retain Everything You Learn!" Posted by Bhanu Priya at
Here are some points I pick up:
*We sometimes get stressed out with ‘over learning’ because of which there is a tendency to forget some important things.
*Reasons for forgetting:
- Lack of interest
- Lack of proper understanding of the concept
- Disuse – Memories do not stay for long when not reviewed or visited frequently
- Increased preoccupations in the mind (both necessary & unnecessary)
- Mental tensions
* In order to avoid these causes of poor retention, one must effectively plan his / her method of ‘internalizing’ learning, so that it can be retained for a longer time.
* Some simple techniques that will help:
- Identify a clear purpose for learning
- Get a thorough understanding of the material / information that you need to learn
- Build a strong background on the subject matter
- Avoid mental overcrowding of immaterial / unnecessary things
- Be determined to implement whatever you learned in practical life
- Divide the learning into manageable bites
- Make a habit of writing while learning – Notepad helps
- Exercise your brain – This keeps your mind fit just like body fitness
* Apart from these techniques, there is a concept called “visual learning”, which involves learning from seeing a task performed ... is more interactive and engaging as it includes pictures, diagrams, graphics etc., that help in remembering concepts for longer period.
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"Effective Ways to Retain Everything You Learn!" Posted by Bhanu Priya at