17 December, 2010

Success in your learning journey

You can choose success in your learning journey. Do you believe you can?

If you do not, then you have already decided to choose a different path and success will not be the goal in your study!

If you choose success in your learning journey and taking the necessary steps to achieve that goal. You will not let anything stops you until you get there!

If you choose success in your learning journey, you will learn to remove whatever is holding you back.

Reflect upon your learning journey for the last 5-10 years, has something happened in the past affected your self esteem and your learning attitude?

If you do not choosing success in your learning path, it is very likely that simple problem will block your ability to overcome and change your learning path.

In study and learning. to remove any obstacle and mentle block you must have focus.

To have focus you must first have a dream or goal of where you want to be.

Only when you have defined that dream or goal of success can you start to focus on it.

Focus intently that everything you do is done with your dream and goal in mind.

Only then can you move toward that dream and achieve the goal.

Choose to live your success in your learning path and make the dream and goal a reality in your learning journey!

Dexterine Ho

16 December, 2010

Be content with a little ...

"Beware of undertaking too much at the start. Be content with quite a little. Allow for accidents. Allow for human nature, especially your own."

- Arnold Bennett

Be content with a little learning at a time. You cannot digest the whole elephant within a meal by yourself.

Knowledge in any field is too much for our mind if we wish to know and acquire it in total instantly.

No one can do so, hence you just demand yourself too much if you were to force it upon your mind from the beginning.

Working very hard the night before the examination is only helpful if you have good understanding throughout the course of study.

Beware of undertaking too much at the start or at the end. Be content with a little learning daily.

Allow for mistakes made in your journey of learning, especially your own, learn from it and you will be a better problem solver then!

Hence give yourself time for making errors and corrections. Learning from your own mistakes, and move on...

Understand that you have human nature and simply things like dullness and tiredness will happen in your learning journey.  Take some time to rest, recharge and reset your body.  With a break and some rest, tune it back to learning mode is a pleasant experience.

Learning a skill or a subject is like growing a plant, overloading your mind by undertaking too much at one time is like watering the plant whole day, it will kill your mind like the way too much water is killing the plant.

Just be content with a little...

Dexterine Ho