04 September, 2023

Triglyceride: how to spell


Break it down to small chunks of 3 3 2 4 letters:

Tri  gly  ce  ride

Pronounced as ... Tri gli ce ride.

Triglycerides are a type of fat, called lipid, that circulate in your blood

glyceridein American English

Chemistry & Biochemistry
any of a group of esters obtained from glycerol by the replacement of one, two, or three hydroxyl groups with a fatty acid: the principal constituent of adipose tissue
Compare monoglyceridediglyceridetriglyceride
Word origin
[1860–65; glycer(in) + -ide]This word is first recorded in the period 1860–65. Other words that entered English at around the same time include: big brothercalibratemonismmutualismraider-ide is a suffix used in the names of chemical compounds. Other words that use the affix -ide include: carbidecerebrosidecyanidefluorideglucoside
Source : Colin Dictionary

Osteoporosis: how to spell


Osteoporosis is a long word... so just breaks it down to:

Os  teo  poro  sis

Then, join four chunks into two parts:

Osteo + porosis

Memory work is eased by having less than 5 letters in one chunk.

Understanding the meaning is also make easy this way:

Osteo- (prefix): Combining form meaning bone. From the Greek "osteon", bone.

porosis: a porous condition of bonesSomething that is porous has many small holes in it.


Definition from the Collins English Dictionary

Egypt: how to spell


I find it hard to pronounce or remember the spelling of this word as I am troubled by the letter y.

In phonic, y is pronounced as i.

Hence, I always replace Egypt with Egipt mentally when I pronounce it. 

In writing, I remind myself to change y to i and Egipt is transcribed to Egypt.

This exercise helps me to remember Egypt as Egypt.

It is a roundabout way, yet the long way I took in my learning journey helps me to save a lot of time pondering how to unlock the spelling order of this word.

Dexterine Ho Soo Miang