02 January, 2009

Memory training systems

Memory training systems

The phenomenon of chunking as a memory mechanism can be observed in the way we group numbers and information in our day-to-day life.

For example, when recalling a number such as 14101946, if we group the numbers as 14, 10 and 1946, we are creating a mnemonic for this number as a date, month and year.

An illustration of the limited capacity of working memory ... can be seen from the following example:

While recalling a mobile phone number such as 9849523450, we might break this into 98 495 234 50.

Thus, instead of remembering 10 separate digits that is beyond the "seven plus-or-minus two", we are remembering 4 groups of numbers.

Various kinds of memory training systems and mnemonics include training and drill in specially-designed recoding or chunking schemes.

A chunk can then be defined as "a collection of elements having strong associations with one another, but weak associations with elements within other chunks"

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