03 January, 2009

Pareto analysis and Pareto principle in time management

The Pareto principle, i.e., the 80-20 rule, states that, about 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. It is named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto.

Pareto analysis can be used for selecting a limited number of tasks that could produce significant overall effect. It uses the Pareto principle - by doing 20% of work you can generate 80% of the advantage of doing the entire job.

Applying Pareto principle in time management and using Pareto analysis to look at causes of problems, you can see things in a creative way. It will help you to stimulate thinking and organize thoughts in your learning tasks.

From Pareto analysis you know that 80% of your learning tasks can be completed in 20% of the disposable time. The remaining 20% of tasks will take up 80% of the time.

It you look at your study patterns, you will soon discover that 20% of your time can be use to master 80% of your learning tasks.

Using Pareto principle, you may sort your learning tasks into two parts.

* Category 1: 80% of the tasks that can easily be achieved if you use 20% of your study time

* Category 2: 20% of the tasks that can only be achieved if you use 80% of your study time

With the understanding of your study patterns and learning ability through Pareto analysis, you should assigned a higher priority to tasks that fall into the first category. Spend the first 20% of your study time to master 80% of learning tasks that you find it easy to achieve.

For those tasks that fall into the second category, you may assigned a lower priority and spend the rest of your studying time on learning those tasks that are harder to master.

In the process of learning the second category tasks, most students will find it hard to focus and do not use the time effectively in learning.

Nevertheless, if they spend the first 20% of their time wisely and efficiently, they usually are able to pass or even excel in any subject of their study.

With the understanding of the 80-20-rule, you will understand why some learners do not seem to spend a lot of time in their study, yet can still have good results!

Maybe they are smarter in their time management, and learn to use their time in a more productivity manner by applying Pareto analysis and Pareto principle in their study tasks!

Interested to know more about "Pareto analysis"


To understand "Pareto principle" and the life of 'Vilfredo Pareto'




Dexterine Ho

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