23 January, 2009

Set up a schedule

To set your mind on study, the best way is to set up a schedule of activities so you will have a routine to follow.

Depending whether you are attending school in the morning or afternoon, you can have a time table like the followings:

Morning hours before school: (8 am to 11.30 am)

* Morning Exercise

* Breakfast - 20 mins

* Read Newspaper or Watch TV programme - 20 mins

* Piano Practice - 30 mins

* Complete all the home work required for schooling today - 40 mins to 90 mins

* Revision of lesson learned yesterday - If you have time

* Lunch - 30 mins

Afternoon hours:

* Lunch and short nap - 60-90 mins

* Do home work - 90 - 120 mins

* Exercise - 30 mins

* Piano Practice - 30 mins

* Complete all the home work required for schooling today - 40 mins to 90 mins

* Revision of lesson learned - If you have time

* Read Newspaper or Watch TV programme - 20 mins

Evening Hours:

* Dinner - 30 mins

* Do home work - 40 mins to 90 mins

* Revision of lesson learned - 40 mins to 90 mins

Once you have a schedule to follow, you will not feel uncertain about your study. The time table will create a period of stability once you start to do things according to your schedule. You may review it periodically and adjust your new learning tasks by re-scheduling your time table.

Dexterine Ho

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